± 5°F for a period of not less than 4 hours at each temperature. Upon return to and
stabilization at standard ambient temperature, +60°F to +90°F, the telescope shall meet the
requirements of 3.7 through 3.13 inclusive. (See 6.6)
3.5.3 Shock. The telescope, mounted to the test equipment using its standard
attachment mechanism, shall withstand a total of 75 shock impulses along 3 mutually
perpendicular axes as defined in Figure 1. Each shock impulse shall be a half sine wave
with a time duration of .010 ± .001 seconds and peak amplitude for each shock impulse as
shown in Table I. Subsequent to shock, the latch and cam lock used for attachment shall
not have loosened, the telescope shall show no evidence of damage or physical failure, and
it shall meet the requirements of 3.6 through 3.13 inclusive. (See 6.6)
TABLE I. Shock orientation and impulse.
Shock impulse and direction
Number of impulses
-130 g s, +130 g s
15 each direction
-50 g s, +50 g s
15 each direction
-50 g s
15 total
FIGURE 1. Orientation of shock loads.
3.5.4 Vibration "A". The telescope, mounted to the test equipment using its
standard attachment mechanism, shall withstand a total of 270 minutes of sweep-cycle
vibration. The vibration shall be applied for 90 minutes along each of the three mutually
perpendicular major axes shown in Figure 1. A complete sweep-cycle shall consist of
vibration from origin (5 Hz at 1 inch double amplitude) to mid-point (5 ± 0.5 g s at 500
Hz) to origin, and shall have a duration of 15 ± 1 minutes. Double amplitude shall be
constant at 1 inch between 5 Hz and 10 Hz, and varied with frequency to maintain a
constant 5 ± 0.5 g s acceleration between 10 Hz and 500 Hz. Upon completion of
vibration, the latch and cam lock used for attachment shall not have loosened, the telescope
shall exhibit no evidence of damage or physical failure, and it shall meet the requirements
of 3.6 through 3.13 inclusive. (See 6.6)
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