3.6.1 Reticle lean. With the zero vertical reticle line parallel to the image of a
plumb line, the bubble of the level vial shall be within the central graduation marks on the
3.6.2 Reticle accuracy. The angle subtended by the two 50 mil graduation lines on
the horizontal axis of the reticle pattern shall be 100 mils ± 0.25 mil.
3.6.3 Parallax. The parallax between the center cross of the reticle pattern and the
image of an infinity target shall not exceed 0.1 mil.
3.6.4 Cleanliness. The optical system shall meet the cleanliness requirements of
MIL-PRF-13830 and there shall be no more than 3 particles of dirt visible on the reticle
and the area of such particle shall not be in excess of the area equivalent to a size 10 dig.
There shall be no dirt within the optical system which interferes with observation or
adversely affects image quality.
3.6.5 Reticle illumination. All reticle graduations and numbers shall be clearly
defined when observed through a four power telescope in ambient darkness from 15 to 48
feet inclusive.
3.6.6 Collimated light output. With fresh batteries installed, the brightness of the
collimated light output measured in complete darkness at approximately one quarter inch
from end of collimator shall be a minimum of 275 microlamberts.
3.7 Mechanical.
3.7.1 Elevation travel. The elevation travel of the line of sight shall cover the
minimum excursion from - 800 mils to + 800 mils when the tripod legs are fully extended.
3.7.2 Azimuth travel. The instrument shall provide a full and unrestricted 6400
mils of azimuth rotation.
3.7.3 Open sight. The light of sight of the open sight shall be parallel to the optical
axis within one degree.
3.7.4 Operability. As assembled, there shall be no looseness, rattling, restriction or
binding of any part of the equipment when the collimator is placed from the carrying
position to operational position. The hinge of the tripod legs shall have sufficient torque to
support the fully extended legs in a horizontal position.
3.7.5 Knob travel. Each knob shall provide a range of adjustment from full locking
to free movement of the instrument component.
3.7.6 Knob locks. The knob locks shall meet the requirements of Table 1 at the
standard ambient temperature of +60°F to +90°F. The corresponding part shall not move
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