FIGURE 3. Excursion range and plumb travel target.
4.8 Azimuth mechanism.
4.8.1 800 mil steps (azimuth). Position the telescope as specified in 4.4. Rotate the
azimuth knob until an additional 800 mils is read on the azimuth counter. Rotate the test
fixture 800 mils. Record the difference in movement as read on the target reticle. Repeat
readings through two revolutions of the head in one direction. Repeat in the opposite
direction without resetting. The error in the readings taken shall not be greater than the
tolerance specified in 3.9.1.
4.8.2 15 mil steps (azimuth). Position the telescope as specified in 4.4. Rotate the
correction knob to indicate "R-15". Rotate the azimuth knob, with backlash removed, to
deflect the line of sight 15 mils in the opposite direction as read on the collimator target
reticle. The deflection counter reading shall return to the original setting within the
requirements of 3.9.2. This test shall be repeated with the correction counter indicating "L-
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