vibration, the telescope shall exhibit no evidence of damage or physical failure and shall
meet the requirements of 3.4 through 3.19 inclusive.
FIGURE 2. Component locations.
3.4 Orientation. The panoramic telescope 12984713 or 12984775 shall be capable
of being positioned on a test fixture with mounting surface horizontal and the elbow
assembly positioned perpendicular to the plane of the keyways (see Figure 2 for part
locations). In this orientation, the azimuth and deflection or bearing counters shall indicate
3200 mils, the correction counter shall indicate zero, and the line of sight shall be
horizontal and parallel to the plane of the keyways. The line of sight shall be established
by placing the telescope reticle into coincidence with the collimator target reticle 7572447,
unless otherwise specified. The five mil click lead actuator shall be set to "Indirect" unless
otherwise specified. The requirements of 3.4.1 through 3.17.2 inclusive shall be met with
the telescope in this orientation.
3.4.1 Collimation change, post vibration. This requirement shall be met with
conditions of 3.4 re-established without readjusting boresight subsequent to vibration. The
line of sight established prior to vibration shall not deviate more than .25 mil as read on
both the azimuth and deflection or bearing counters due to subjecting the telescope to either
Vibration "A" or Vibration "B".
3.5 Sealing and purging.
3.5.1 Optical assembly. The telescope optical assembly shall be capable of
sustaining an internal pressure of 7.0 + 0.1 pounds per square inch gage (psig) for a
minimum of one hour with no evidence of leakage.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business